StudienKolleg in Germany
College Counseling
When it's first time for you to go to university,
Anabin search system for university entry
75 EURO with paid service UniAssist for more accurate results (approximately 4 months)
Academic history for each courses from 1st to 3rd grade of high school, Certificate of graduation in high school, and college entrance exam result - Notarization is required –
When you entered a university in your home country,
• Academic Records (need all grades of each subjects)
Also Need • Passport copy • Curriculum of university • Specific start date, end date • Additional history included
Studienkolleg Course Types
T Kurs: Mathematics, Natural Science, German related to Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, etc.
M Kurs: medical school, pharmacology, biomedical German, biochemistry, mathematics, language, etc.
W Kurs: Economics, German in Sociology, Mathematics, Economics, Business Administration, History, Geography, etc.
G Kurs: German language, history, German literature, language, etc.
S Kurs: German language without german literature, history, second foreign language, social studies, and German literature, excluding
You must choose a Studyenkoleg course based on the university types you want to go to.
For the following majors : T-Course • Physics • Architecture • Business informatics • Chemistry • Civil Engineering • Informatics • Food Technology • Process Technology • Mathematics • Metallurgy • Electrical Engineering • Statistics • Geology • Mechanical engineering • Ship engineering • Surveying • Geography • Landscape Conservation • Sound and Video engineering • Materials Engineering • Chemical Engineering • Photo Engineering • Supply Engineering • Textile and Surface Design • Production Engineering • Clothing Engineering • Environment Engineering • Mineralogy • Meteorology
You need to study and pass • Physics • · Maths • · Chemistry • · German language • · Informatics • (offered by some universitie s)
Studienkolleg Course Types
(M – Course: Majoring in medicine, biology, and pharmaceutical degrees)
You need to study and pass Medicine • Biology • Nutrition science • Dentistry • Microbiology • Agriculture sciences and Environmental management • Veterinary Medicine • Biochemistry • Sport • Psychology • Pharmacy • Maths • Physics • Chemistry • German language • Biology
(W – Course: enter business, economics and social science majors)
• Business Sciences • Social Sciences • Business informatics • Sociology • Geography • Business Administration • Social education • Social work • Economics • Political Sciences • Nutritional and Domestic science • Law • Insurance Business • Housekeeping
You need to study and pass • Maths • Economics • Business administration • English • German language
(G – Course: Majoring in humanities or German studies)
G-Course • German studies • Law • Theology • Literature • Arts • Design • Achaelogy • History • Art education • Restauration • Politics • History of art • Ethnology • Education • Communication science • Journalism • Philosophy • Music sciences • Theather arts • Psychology • Music • Product design
You need to study and pass • Literature • History • Social sciences • German language
(S – Course : Language-related majors)
S-Course • Modern foreign languages • Theology translations • Classical Philology • Islamic studies • Law
You need to study and pass • Literature • History • Social sciences • German language
Studienkolleg Location
Assessment Test (FSP)
Evaluation test is the final test after the Assessment Test (Festellungsprprfung) StudienKolleg course. If you pass the evaluation test, you will be eligible for the University Education Certificate and you will be eligible to apply to universities within Germany. Evaluation tests typically consist of German and math.
Assessment Test Examples 2018(2018 Evaluation test Sample)
Entrance exam Examples 2018 ( 2018 StudienKolleg entrance exam Sample)
Baden Württemberg
Universität Heidelberg Internationales Studienzentrum Studienkolleg Heidelberg, Uni/staatlich(State), M, T, W, G, S,
Studienkolleg / Sprachenzentru m des KIT (Karlsruher Institut f ür Technologie) Karlsruhe, Uni/staatlich(State), T ,
Studienkolleg an der HTWG Ko nstanz Konstanz, FH/staatlich(State), T, W
Studienkolleg bei den Universitäten des Freistaates Bayern, München Uni/staatlich(State), M, T, W, G
Studienkolleg bei den Fachhoc hschulen des Freistaates Bayer n, Coburg , TI, WW, DS H
Internationales Studienkolleg d er TU Berlin / Uni/staatlich(State) / M, T, TI, W W, W /
Studienkolleg der FU Berlin / Uni/staatlich(State) / M, T, W, G, S /
Studienkolleg für ausländische Studierende an der Universität Hamburg / M, T, W, G /
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a m Main Internationales Studien zentrum/Studienkolleg / Frankfurt am Main / Uni+ FH /staatlich (State) / M, T, W, G /
Studienkolleg für ausländische Studierende/Academic Bridging Cour / Darmstadt / T, G, DSH /
Studienkolleg für ausländische Studierende der Universität Kassel / Kassel / T, W /
Studienkolleg Mittelhessen an der Universität Marburg / Marburg / M, T, W, G /
Niedersachsen / Universität Hannover Niedersäc hsisches Studienkolleg / Hannover / M, T, W, G /
Studienkolleg der Johannes-Gu tenberg-Universität / Mainz / M, T, W, G , S / Internationales Studienkolleg d er Hochschule Kaiserslautern / Rheinland-Pfalz / TI, T, WW, W /
Hamburg / Studienkolleg für ausländische St udierende an der Universität Ham burg / M, T, W, G /
TUDIAS-Studienkolleg TU Dres den / Dresden / T, M /
Studienkolleg Glauchau / Glauchau / T, TI, W, W W, DSH /
Universität Leipzig Studienkoll eg Sachsen / Leipzig / M, T, W, G, S /
SchleswigHolstein / Studienkolleg an der FH Kiel / Kiel / TI, SW, WW /
F & Q about Studienkolleg
1- What is a German university preparation class (Studienkolleg) ?
In order to enter a university in Germany, international applicants must have a secondary school diploma and must be eligible to meet other academic standards. If you didn't fulfil the requirements, you should take a preliminary course in German universities, such as a secondary school diploma in Germany. You will be preparing for the German university entrance exam at StudienKolleg. If you pass the exam, you can obtain a certificate and apply for a bachelor's degree from any university in Germany.
2-Do I have to complete the Studienkollg?
It will be deffer for ecah individuals based on student's qualification.
3- Based on the qualification, I can go straight to German university. Is it okay to go to StudienKolleg?
That's not possible.
4- What are the admission requirements for a Studienkolleg course?
The condition of registration for StudienKolleg is to pass the public university entrance exam in the future. The German score higher than B1 is required.
5- When is the deadline for applying for StudienKolleg admission?
It varies from university to university. Please refer to the information of each university.
6- What kind of test is the StudienKollg entrance exam?
Admission exams by university/school will be given. Usually there are two areas: German + Math. Some universities may take German score tests.
7- How many times can I take the entrance exam?
You can take as many entrance exams as you want, but you must take a year of college preparation.
8- How long is the Studienkolleg completion period?
It usually consists of two semesters. Sometimes, universities allow students to take an evaluation exam after the first semester, which is based on their first semester grades.
9- Do I have to pass all the courses in the Studienkolleg?
Yes, you can get a certificate only if you pass the every subjects (Example: T-Course: German, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry all must pass the test. )
10- How many times can I take the last evaluation test (Assessment Test: (Festellungsprüfung)?
You can take two times at the same university.
11- Can the student decide whether to take the assessment test or start studies at the university right away?
You cannot decide for yourself. The direction of your career depends on the qualification criteria you currently have.
12- What is the difference between the evaluation test and the German language test (DSH) by university?
If you go into the StudienKolleg course, you'll have a course in German as well as other subjects. The evaluation test is for students who are not eligible for college admission. If you meet certain requirements, you can be exempted from the German language test. Then, you don't have to take the German test on the evaluation test. If you pass the evaluation test, you will be eligible for college admission and will be able to go to college degree courses.
13- In what circumstances is the German language test exempt from the evaluation test?
If you meet the following qualification requirements for the evaluation test, you will be exempted from the German language test: – DSH 2 oder 3 / – TestDaF TDN 4 / – Gethe C2 / – Telc C1 Hochscheule – DSD-Stufe II
14- When applying for college, should I apply for a major, as stated in the StudienKolleg application?
It doesn't have to be. It depends on the academic or major you want to apply for. For example, even if the T-Course states that you want to go to Mechanical Engineering, you can apply for other technical major after passing the evaluation test.
15- Do I have to study at the same university that i passed the evaluation test?
That's not true. After successfully passing the evaluation test, you can apply to any university or applied science university with a college entrance certificate.
Student Case1
Certificate of high school graduation (including subject and grade overview / academic history)
Korea University entrance exam results (CSAT) (all submitted in English)
(1) Over the course of three years in high school, Korean, foreign language, mathematics, and natural science have all been completed by over 60%
(2) Completing the CSAT (Class within 1 to 4.4)
German college entrance examination application for the same line of support according to the academic field
- > GISMA UPP process
C1 + TestDaf Or DSH course
Student Case 2
Certificate of high school graduation (including subject and grade overview / academic history)
Results of CSAT (all submitted in English)
(1) In three years of high school, he has failed to complete Korean, foreign language, mathematics, and natural sciences.
(2) Completing the CSAT (Class 1 to 4.4)
(3) Completed the completion of 35 credits in a place recognized as a university.
(Limitted Major)
Applying the same line of applications according to the academic field of college entrance examination
-> GISMA UP TO B2 Level + STUDIENKOLG Preparation Class
Student Case 3
Certificate of high school graduation (including subject and grade overview / academic history)
Results of CSAT (all submitted in English)
(1) Completed the completion of Korean language, foreign language, mathematics, and natural sciences during the three years of high school. (Each 60% or more achievement)
(2) CSAT grade 4.5 or higher
(3) Completed the completion of 35 credits in a place recognized as a university.
(limited major) the same line of support for college entrance exams and academic fields.
-> GISMA UP TO B2 Level + STUDIENKOLG Preparation course
Student Case 4
Certificate of high school graduation (including subject and grade overview / academic history)
Results of CSAT (all submitted in English)
(1) In three years of high school, he has failed to complete Korean, foreign language, mathematics, and natural sciences.
(2) Completing the CSAT (within grades 1 to 4.4)
(3) Completed the completion of 70 credits in a place recognized as a university.
German college entrance examination application for the same line of support according to the academic field
-> GISMA UPP University course • Up to C1 course • (Or) C1 + TestDaf • (Or) C1 + DSH
Student Case 5
Certificate of high school graduation (including subject and grade overview / academic history)
Results of CSAT (all submitted in English)
1) Completed Korean language, foreign language, mathematics, and natural science for 3 years in high school.
(Each 60% or more achievement)
2) College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) rating 4.5 or higher
3) However, 70 credits were completed at a university
German college entrance examination application for the same line of support according to the academic field
-> GISMA UPP University Class • Up to C1 course • (Or) C1 + TestDaf • (Or) C1 + DSH
Student case 6
Certificate of high school graduation (including subject and grade overview / academic history)
Results of CSAT (all submitted in English)
(1) In three years of high school, he has failed to complete Korean, foreign language, mathematics, and natural sciences.
(2) CSAT grade 4.5 or higher
(3) However, it is not a university, but it can be proved by higher education institutions for two years.
(limited major) Support of the same line of applications for college entrance exams and academic fields
- > GISMA UPP process
Up to B2 Level + StudienKollg Preparation course
UPP: University Pathways + TestDaF/ DSH
The Language Gallery Hannover (TLG)
Location Hannover
Private Studienkolleg
UE University of Applied Sciences
High light
W Course(Business, German/English) T Course(Technology/Engineering, German only) Providing
Course Start October / deadline August순
H+ University over 35 credit
After the passing the exam, South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences entrance garantee