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Best Lnaguage schools in Germany Language Course 174schools review  searched

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[Germany]   Search Schools Best Lnaguage school in Germany Language Course 174schools review  searched

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Activ Lernen

Activ Lernen

Location Germany > Cologne > Cologne

Program group course Tuition: (EURO)€ 325    Schedule: 1 ~ 12w

Program B2 for the nurses Tuition: (EURO)€ 40 유로    Schedule: 4w

Program private course Tuition: (EURO)€ 35유로    Schedule: 1 ~ 12w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Homestay
    - Private language institute (at University)
  • Map&Housing

    Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 24 50672 Köln
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +49 (0)221 - 9525186
    Fax :
    Website :
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  • Reviews

reviews (0)

ADK Augsburger Deutschkurse

ADK Augsburger Deutschkurse

Location Germany > Munich area > Augsburg

Program Language courses Tuition: (EURO)€ 250    Schedule: 4w

Program Summer courses Tuition: (EURO)€ 1140    Schedule: 2w

  • School detail information

  • Map&Housing

    Schaezlerstr. 8 86150 Augsburg
  • Telephone

    Telephone : + 49 (0) 821 - 31 49 05
    Fax : + 49 (0) 821 - 31 49 10
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews

reviews (0)

Alanus University of Arts and Society

Alanus University of Arts and Society

Location Germany > Frankfurt area > Bonn

Program Bachelor's degree Tuition:     Schedule: 

  • School detail information

    - Suburban
    - Off-campus Residence
    - University-based Program
  • Map&Housing

    Villestraße 3 53347 Alfter bei Bonn
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +49 2222 93210
    Fax : +49 2222 932121
    Website :
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  • Reviews

reviews (0)

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Location Germany > Munich area > Freiburg

Program Bachelor’s Programs Tuition: (EURO)€ 3,273 USD    Schedule: 52w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - University-based Program
    - Conditional Admission (0)
  • Map&Housing

    Fahnenbergplatz, 79085 Freiburg im Breisgau, 독일
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +49 761 2030
    Fax :
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews

reviews (4.6)

Alpadia Freiburg

Alpadia Freiburg

Location Germany > Munich area > Freiburg

Program Standard German course (20hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 195    Schedule: 1 ~ 47w

Program Intensive German course (25hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 245    Schedule: 1 ~ 48w

Program Premium German course (30hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 330    Schedule: 1 ~ 52w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Homestay
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - Private language school
  • Map&Housing

    Werthmannstrasse 18 79098 Freiburg
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +49 (0) 761 13 73 230
    Fax : +49 (0) 761 38 24 76
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

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reviews (4.7)

Alpadia Language Schools Berlin

Alpadia Language Schools Berlin

Location Germany > Berlin area > Berlin

Program Standard German course (20hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 170    Schedule: 1 ~ 47w

Program Intensive German course (25hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 235    Schedule: 1 ~ 47w

Program Premium German course (30hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 275    Schedule: 1 ~ 47w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Homestay
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - Private language school
  • Map&Housing

    Hauptstraße 23/24 D-10827 Berlin
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +49 (0) 30 781 10 76
    Fax : +49 (0) 30 788 17 36
    Website :
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  • Reviews

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Alpha Aktiv Language Academy

Alpha Aktiv Language Academy

Location Germany > Frankfurt area > Heidelberg

Program Intensive German Course Tuition: (EURO)€ 150    Schedule: 1 ~ 42w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Homestay
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - Private language school
  • Map&Housing

    Alpha Aktiv Privates Bildungsinstitut Hans-Böckler-Strasse 2 69115 Heidelberg
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +49-6221-5880269
    Fax :
    Website :
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  • Reviews

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Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Location Germany > Thuringia > Weimar

Program program of bachelor Tuition:     Schedule: 

  • School detail information

    - Suburban
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - University-based Program
    - Conditional Admission (0)
  • Map&Housing

    Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8/15, 99423 Weimar, 독일
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +49 3643 582323
    Fax :
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews

reviews (0)

BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School

BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School

Location Germany > Berlin area > Brandenburg

Program Private Boarding School Tuition: (EURO)€ 13500~22150    Schedule: 52w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Homestay
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - Private language institute (at University)
    - Conditional Admission (0)
  • Map&Housing

    Schopfheimer Allee 10, 14532 Kleinmachnow, 독일
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +49 33203 80360
    Fax :
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews

reviews (0)

bbw University of Applied Sciences

bbw University of Applied Sciences

Location Germany > Berlin area > Berlin

Program Bachelor's Degree Tuition: (EURO)€ 16920    Schedule: 52w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Off-campus Residence
    - Private language school
  • Map&Housing

    Wagner-Régeny-Straße 21, 12489 Berlin, Germany
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +498000800229
    Fax :
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews