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University in newzealand

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University in newzealand Admission

Education in newzealand

The top-level divisions (faculties, colleges) of each university can vary widely from university to university. While all universities have faculties of science, for instance, fewer have faculties of education. The table below summarises the faculties and colleges of every university in New Zealand:

University of Otago University of Canterbury Lincoln University Victoria University (Wellington) Massey University University of Waikato AUT University of Auckland
Arts Division of Humanities College of Arts Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies
Faculty of Culture and Society Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Development Faculty of Arts
Sciences Division of Sciences College of Science aculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences Faculty of Environment, Society, and Design Faculty of Science College of Sciences Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Science
Business Otago Business School (Division of Commerce) College of Business and Law Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce Victoria Business School Massey Business School Waikato Management School Faculty of Business, Economics and Law University of Auckland Business School
Health Sciences Division of Health Sciences College of Education, Health, and Human Development Faculty of Health College of Health Faculty of Health, Sport and Human Performance Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Medicine Otago Medical School, Faculty of Dentistry School of Medicine
Engineering College of Engineering Faculty of Engineering College of Sciences Faculty of Science and Engineering Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies Faculty of Engineering
Law College of Business and Law Faculty of Law Faculty of Law Faculty of Business, Economics and Law Faculty of Law
Fine Arts, Architecture School of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Architecture and Design College of Creative Arts Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries
Education College of Education, Health, and Human Development Faculty of Education Faculty of Education Faculty of Education and Social Work