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Missouri State University Springfield

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Missouri State University Springfield

Missouri State University Springfield

English Language Institute
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School Info

Basic information

  • Enrollment
  • 150students
  • Airport Pickup
  • Yes
  • Telephone
  • 417-836-6540
  • Fax
  • 417-836-4784
  • Address
  • 301 South Jefferson Ave. Springfield, Missouri 65806


  • Suburban
  • On-Campus Dorm/residence
  • Off-campus Residence
  • University-based Program
  • Conditional Admission (0)

Why This School?

  • - The curriculum is based on a communicative approach to language teaching / learning, and our courses are learner-centered rather than teacher-centered.
    - Springfield has number of area attractions for shopping, outdoor activities, sports and entertainment for students to enjoy outside of class.
    - Applicants to the English Language Institute (ELI) can request “conditional admission” to undergraduate or graduate programs at Missouri State University

About the  English Language Institute

  • The ELI offers instruction to provide English language learners with skills for academic and career success. ELI students come with a variety of goals: to earn a bachelor's or master's degree in an American university, to become more marketable in a global economy, or to communicate more effectively for personal enjoyment. Whatever students' reason for studying English, ELI can help them reach their goals. Instructors in ELI program will be aware of and take into consideration individual personality and learning style differences as well as other affective factors. The location of the campus, Springfield, is suitable for students who enjoy any entertainment, shopping, sports or outdoors activities. The city of Springfield, Missouri, and the surrounding Ozarks provide numerous services and activities to meet the needs of its citizens.

About the  Missouri State University Springfield

  • Missouri State University is a public university located in Springfield, Missouri, United States and founded in 1905. It is the state's second largest university, with an official enrollment of 21,059 in the Fall 2012 semester. In 2011 students represented 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and 83 countries. The Springfield campus is one of two degree granting institutions within the Missouri State University System, the other being a two-year campus in West Plains, Missouri. A bachelor of science in business from MSU is offered at the Missouri State University Branch Campus Dalian in the People's Republic of China. In addition to its main campus, MSU maintains a fruitful research station in Mountain Grove and the Department of Defense and Strategic Studies program housed in Fairfax, Virginia. The school is classified by the Carnegie foundation as one of six master's colleges and universities in Missouri. The school was ranked 53rd of the Midwestern regional universities by the 2012 U.S. News and World Report. In this category, MSU is the second highest ranked public school in Missouri and fifth overall for undergraduates.

Conditional admission

  • Applicants to the English Language Institute (ELI) can request “conditional admission” to undergraduate or graduate programs at Missouri State University (MSU). “Conditional admission” to MSU means that a student has met the minimum GPA requirement to be considered for admission into the desired program of study at MSU. It does not mean that the student has been accepted into that major

Course Information

  • Focus of Study :
    The English Language Institute at Missouri State University is a progressive intensive English program which offers a state-of-the-art education to international students seeking to improve their academic language proficiency. In addition, instructors in ELI program will be aware of and take into consideration individual personality and learning style differences as well as other affective factors
    Benefit, Goal of this course :
    The mission of the ELI is “Providing English language learners with skills for academic and career success”. Our curriculum has a strong foundation in developing academic skills. In every class, skills necessary to succeed at an American university are emphasized and practiced. Skills including researched writing, critical reading, presenting, and gleaning knowledge from academic lectures are integral to ELI program. Students have numerous opportunities to observe lectures given by Missouri State University faculty and interact with the campus community. ELI organize and conduct campus and library tours for new students and invite speakers representing Student Activities Council members and student services offices to make presentations to our students.The 10 levels ensure that students are placed in classes that meet their specific language needs and proficiency levels, and students have the opportunity to progress to the next level at the end of each 8-week term.  This structure helps students to complete their English training in the shortest amount of time possible.  Many students also appreciate the added convenience of having more options for arrival times throughout the year.

    Curriculum :
    The curriculum is based on a communicative approach to language teaching / learning, and our courses are learner-centered rather than teacher-centered. As such, ELI view the instructor’s role as that of a guide, facilitator, coach, and mentor. In this capacity, instructors will allow students to shape the content and direction of courses as much as is feasible within the stated objectives / guidelines set for each class. The ELI is composed of 10 levels of proficiency, with the 9th and 10th level being reserved for advanced level students who wish to pursue graduate-level degree programs. Each class consists of average of 15 students. ELI provides five 8-week sessions each year with four during fall and spring and one during summer. At each level, students take ten hours of Writing / Grammar, and five hours of Reading. For levels 1 and 2, Speaking and Listening are combined and are 10 hours per week*. In levels 3, 4, and 5 speaking and listening are separate courses. Students take five hours of Listening, and five hours of Speaking per week. The vast majority of our students intend to study at Missouri State University, and as such, ELI have tailored IEP program to meet their needs by offering quality educational experiences that reflect the demands of a university education, both undergraduate and graduate.

    Classroom Hour :
    25hours/weekMonday through Thursday, from 9:00am - 3:00pm (with a lunch break) and Friday from 9:00am - 12:00pm.

Course Information

Class size 10 Students Schedule 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 Weeks
Course Level 10level VISA Info I-20 Issued Upon Request
Minimum age 18 Accommodation On-Campus Dorm/residence, Off-campus Residence


  • N/A

Course Schedule

※ From the Course Starting Dates 8, 16, 24, 32, 40Weeks(month) Choose



School's Admin fee (USD)$ 100
8 Week 16 Week 24 Week 32 Week 40 Week
(USD)$ 3,010 (USD)$ 6,020 (USD)$ 9,030 (USD)$ 12,050 (USD)$ 15,070
Week Week Week Week Week


Housing Placement fee
Accommodation Fee
Terms Homestay On-Campus Dorm/residence Off-Campus residence
8 weeks (USD)$ 1835

Airport Pickup

Airport Pickup
Other Charges (USD)$ 450    Detail

Remarks / Other Information

  • * Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.



  • On campus Housing
    The semester and yearly rates for living in a residence hall at Missouri State depend on the residence hall you select. Suite-style buildings are more expensive than the room- or apartment-style options. Also, rates vary within a building depending on the type of room and meal plan you select.
    The contract rates can be paid either by semester or by year. Regardless of payment option, the contract is for both the fall and spring semesters.
    Living learning communities
     The living-learning communities (LLC) on the Missouri State University campus are designed to ease students’ transition to college; to familiarize students with the campus and its resources; to provide more faculty and staff contact; to promote active learning; and to enhance critical thinking skills.

Surrounding Area

  • The city of Springfield, Missouri, and the surrounding Ozarks provide numerous services and activities to meet the needs of its citizens. Missouri's third largest city is within a 500-mile radius of nearly 50 percent of the U.S. population.Among the entertainment perks, Springfield supports a symphony, ballet, art museum, theater and even an opera. The Juanita K. Hammons Hall for Performing Arts brings Broadway plays and internationally known entertainers to campus. Less than a mile from campus, downtown is the scene for live music. On any given weekend, there may be 30 or more bands playing around town. Springfield has a ton of parks, each with a different personality. There's a Japanese stroll garden, bike paths, a dog park and more. If one wants to hike a trail, he can try theSpringfield Conservation Nature Center or Wilson's Creek National Battlefield. Serious outdoor types can find campgrounds, state parks and a national forestwithin easy driving distances.


  • Basketball courts, cafeteria, computer center, fitness center, gymnasium, language technology center, library, Recreational park, running track, snack bar, soccer field, swimming pool, tennis court, wheelchair accessible

National Mix

  • Nationalities of students include Asian(Korean, Japanese, Chinese..),Latin American, European and other countries. The percentage may vary each month.


FAQ Questions

Contact the school
Image 2018-10-15 16:45:42


Q: 想請問關於學校周邊環境問題,可以介紹一下週邊環境嗎? A: 您好,感謝您的來訊息詢問,關於學校附近的環境以下為您做個介紹。 密蘇里州春田市,為周圍的奧沙克城市提供大量的服務和活動,以滿足市民的需求。密蘇里州第三大城市, 在近500英里半徑範圍內擁有美國人口的50%。在娛樂津貼方面,春田市支援交響樂,芭蕾,藝術博物館,劇院,甚至歌劇。Juanita K. Hammons 大廳邀請百老匯戲劇和國際知名藝人來到校園現場演奏。市中心與校園距離不到一英里。在特定的週末, 有可能有30個或更多的樂隊在附近演奏。春田市有一噸面積大小的公園,每一個皆具不同的特色。有日本花園步道,自行車道, 溜狗的公園等。如果想要登山的話,也可以嘗試春田市的自然保護中心和威爾遜溪國家戰場。強力戶外活動可以找到露營地點, 或是近在咫尺的國家公園。


1 Reviews
  • Classquality

  • Review (5)
  • School Facility, atmosphere

  • Review (5)
  • Faculty&school's counselor

  • Review (5)
  • Outdoor Activity

  • Review (4)
  • Accommodation quality

  • Review (5)

  • Review (4.8)

  • Classquality

  • Review (5)
  • School Facility, atmosphere

  • Review (5)
  • Faculty&school's counselor

  • Review (5)
  • Outdoor Activity

  • Review (4)
  • Accommodation quality

  • Review (5)

  • Review (4.8)

Image 2018-10-15 16:47:52



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