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Griffith College Dublin(GIL) - Ireland

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Griffith College Dublin(GIL) - Ireland

Griffith College Dublin(GIL) - Ireland

Griffith Institute of Language
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School Info

Basic information

  • Enrollment
  • 1400students
  • Airport Pickup
  • Yes
  • Telephone
  • +353 1 415 0400
  • Fax
  • +353 1 473 0045
  • Address
  • Griffith College Dublin Campus, South Circular Road Dublin 8, Ireland


  • Urban
  • Homestay
  • On-Campus Dorm/residence
  • Off-campus Residence
  • University-based Program

Why This School?

  • - 1000's of students from over 70 different countries including a large population of Irish students
    - Build communicating skills
    - Assessment to build confidence
    - Practice speaking, listening, reading and writing on topics that are interesting to students

About the  Griffith Institute of Language

  • Griffith Institute of Language is one of Ireland’s leading English language schools and offers the very best in English Language Learning within a fun and safe college environment in Dublin’s city centre. The school offers a wide variety of English language courses including General English (Beginners to Advanced), Business English, English for Academic Purposes, Exam Preparation, and English Summer Courses. The school also provides English language support for international students studying on degree programmes. The College’s Dublin campus has onsite accommodation and excellent facilities for students to use.Griffith is different from other language schools. There are 1000's of students from over 70 different countries including a large population of Irish students. There is an amazing international atmosphere. The language of communication is English and experience language learning in an immersive environment and experience the joy of language learning.

About the  Griffith College Dublin(GIL) - Ireland

  • Established in 1974, Griffith College is Ireland's largest independent 3rd level institution with locations in Dublin, Cork and Limerick. The main campus is situated on seven acres within a mile of St. Stephen's Green on Dublin's South Circular Road. Griffith College enjoys national and a growing international reputation for student success. The College has gained an enviable, award winning reputation for providing students with first class lectures and excellent study material. Griffith College offers internationally recognised postgraduate and undergraduate degree programmes, complemented by a wide range of professional, short term and corporate training educational solutions - in Griffith College, there is something for everyone.Griffith College Dublin is home to over 1400 overseas students from 77 different countries. In recognizing the unique requirements of the overseas students, the International Office was established to provide a dedicated point of contact for students.The International Office is the first point of contact for all non academic matters within the College and the door is always open whether students are looking for some friendly advice, guidance or documents for their daily life in Ireland.In choosing to study in Ireland and at Griffith College Dublin, students are taking the first step to a more rewarding and personalized study experience, friendships that cross borders and continents and qualifications that will provide ample options for progression in professional or academic career.

Course Information

  • Focus of Study : 
    General English classes develop all aspects of the English language including speaking, pronunciation, listening, reading and writing. The focus is on improving ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Instructors will correct students' spoken and written errors. Each week, students will be given homework and at the end of the week they will have the opportunity to revise what they have learned. 

    Curriculum : 
    General English course starts any Monday through out the year. Classes focus on all aspects of English language skills acquisition and particularly on grammar, conversation, writing, reading, vocabulary, listening, speaking and pronunciation. Classes are held 20 hours per week from Monday to Friday. 

    Classroom Hour :
    Monday to Friday

Course Information

Class size 15 Students Schedule 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 Weeks
Course Level 5 levels VISA Info Acceptance letter issue
Minimum age 18 Accommodation Homestay, On-Campus Dorm/residence, Off-campus Residence


  • N/A

Course Schedule

※ From the Course Starting Dates 5, 10, 15, 20, 25Weeks(month) Choose



School's Admin fee (EURO)€ 100
5 Week 10 Week 15 Week 20 Week 25 Week
(EURO)€ 1,275 (EURO)€ 2,350 (EURO)€ 3,225 (EURO)€ 4,000 (EURO)€ 4,750
Week Week Week Week Week


Housing Placement fee (EURO)€ 50
Accommodation Fee
Terms Homestay On-Campus Dorm/residence Off-Campus residence
Weekly (EURO)€ 180 (EURO)€ 125

Airport Pickup

Airport Pickup (EURO)€ 80
Other Charges

Remarks / Other Information

  • * Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.



  • Griffith College Halls of Residence (GHR) offers students a safe, secure and private living space on a beautiful 7 acre setting in the heart of Dublin city. Built in 2004, this purpose built environment offers a comfortable and convenient accommodation option, particularly suited to those living a distance from the capital.
    GHR is an extremely safe place to live. Electronic locks on external doors, apartment doors and room doors provide greater security to residents and their belongings. Manned security is on campus 24 hours a day with patrols taking place throughout the day. At night time to enhance security a biometric lock system is in place which only residents have access to.
    GHR is within 15 minutes walking distance of Dublin’s city centre and is close to the Luas Red & Green lines. Numerous Dublin bus routes connect GHR to the city. GHR is also within walking distance to many other educational facilities

Surrounding Area

  • Ireland’s capital has great shopping and nightlife with a small but vibrant city center. It’s easy to navigate on foot and explore the numerous tourist attractions from museums to galleries, castles and historic sites. Irish culture including Irish dancing, pub nights, Holiday themed parties, Cultural outings, and Irish music are all in Dublin for students to enjoy!


  • Computing Science Faculty facilities: The College has fourteen computer labs at its centrally located South Circular Road campus, equipped with the latest iMac and PC desktops. Free WiFi is also available throughout the campus. Griffith invests regularly in its computing and IT facilities to ensure students have top of the range equipment for their studies and project work. 

    Car Parking: Griffith College Dublin is built on a seven-acre campus. Car parking space is available on campus for students. The underground car park has nearly 200 parking spaces and overground spaces number 200 also. Registered students with parking permits may use the parking facilities free of charge.

    The Students' Union Common Room: The Student Union common room has pool tables, a jukebox, table-tennis tables and a foosball table and provides an area for relaxation and fun for students between classes or during study week.

    Fitness Room: The College has a fitness room that is available to all students in the college. The Fitness Room is located in the B Block, just off the main reception. The room contains various cardiovascular equipment most notably elliptical cross trainers, exercise bikes and treadmills. The room also has weight machines. Adjacent to the Fitness Room there are male and female changing rooms which are equipped with hot showers and secure lockers for gym gear.


  • Experience the cultural and historical side of Dublin by going on afternoon Cultural activities. Visit museums, art galleries and places of historical interest. Use the activities and experience to complete project work.

Top Native Language by Center

  • Students will have a variety of nationalities in their class, from Europe, Asia and South America.

Getting to the school from the airport

  • Students can take a Taxi, which will cost you about €25 - €30. There is the Bus number 16A which brings students very close to the College and there are public buses to the City centre. Once in the City Centre, you can transfer to another bus or a taxi. The College also provides a collection service for a fee of €80.


FAQ Questions

Contact the school
Image 2016-12-30 13:45:18


Q: 想請問關於學校設施問題,可以介紹一下學校設施嗎? A: 您好,感謝您的來訊息詢問,關於學校設施以下為您做個介紹。電腦室設施:學院設有14間電室,位於市中心的南圓路校區,配備了最新的桌面。整個校園享有免費WiFi。格里菲斯經常投資於電腦設施,確保學生的學習和作業計畫獲得支持。 停車場:格里菲斯學院都柏林是一個七英畝的校園。學生可在校園停車。地上和地下停車場擁有近兩百個車位。註冊學生停車證,可以使用免費的停車設施。 學生休息室:學生公共休息室設有台球桌,點唱機,乒乓球桌和桌上足球,提供了學生在課後的放鬆和樂趣。 健身房:學院設有健身室,提供給所有大學生。健身裡有各種心血管設備,顯著的橢圓形交叉訓練,自行車和跑步機。房間內也有重訓的機器。毗鄰健身室有男女更衣室,配備了熱水淋浴和安全的儲物櫃。

Image 2017-01-18 13:29:07


Q: 想請問關於學校周邊環境問題,可以介紹一下週邊環境嗎? A: 您好,感謝您的來訊息詢問,關於學校附近的環境以下為您做個介紹。愛爾蘭的首都擁有一流的購物和夜生活場所,是一個小而充滿活力的城市中心。並且易於徒步探訪探索眾多旅遊景點展區像是博物館,城堡和歷史遺跡。愛爾蘭文化包括愛爾蘭舞蹈,酒吧之夜,假日主題派對,文化郊遊,和愛爾蘭音樂,這些都可以在都柏林享有


1 Reviews
  • Classquality

  • Review (5)
  • School Facility, atmosphere

  • Review (5)
  • Faculty&school's counselor

  • Review (5)
  • Outdoor Activity

  • Review (4)
  • Accommodation quality

  • Review (5)

  • Review (4.8)

  • Classquality

  • Review (5)
  • School Facility, atmosphere

  • Review (5)
  • Faculty&school's counselor

  • Review (5)
  • Outdoor Activity

  • Review (4)
  • Accommodation quality

  • Review (5)

  • Review (4.8)

Image 2016-12-30 13:52:58


發現愛爾蘭遊學的費用比想像中的便宜,其中我選的這所Griffith College Dublin是費用便宜的愛爾蘭語言學校,

除外,Griffith College Dublin語言學校交通方便,位置就在市中心,離最有名的鐵柱走路不到十分鐘且校門口前就是公車站牌顯眼又方便。下課想去市區吃頓午餐後看場電影購個物再喝杯咖啡不用走到腳痛也不用費時的等公車是真的很幸福了!

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