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Schulzentrum Marienhöhe

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Schulzentrum Marienhöhe

Schulzentrum Marienhöhe

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School Info

Basic information

  • Enrollment
  • 700students
  • Airport Pickup
  • Telephone
  • 06151/53 91-0
  • Fax
  • 06151/53 91-168
  • Address
  • Auf d. Marienhöhe 32, 64297 Darmstadt, Germany


  • Suburban
  • On-Campus Dorm/residence
  • Off-campus Residence
  • Private language institute (at University)

Why This School?

  • - Schulzentrum Marienhöhe or Marienhoehe Academy is a private K-12, co-educational Christian boarding school in Darmstadt, Germany.
    - It is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
    - The school has close ties with Friedensau Adventist University.

About the  Schulzentrum Marienhöhe

  • Founded in 1925, Schulzentrum Marienhöhe in Darmstadt is an independent private school (Schule in freier Trägerschaft). Supporting association is Schulzentrum Marienhöhe gGmbH, an institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (public law corporation) with the educational departments Gymnasium, Realschule (Intermediate Secondary School ) and elementary school as well as a boarding school, one for boys and one for girls. Around 700 students attend our school, about 50 youths and young adults age 14 to approx. 21 years old live in our dormitories. The day students come from Darmstadt and surrounding areas, the boarding school students from the Rhein-Main region, from all over Germany and also from abroad (China, South Korea, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine). We accept students - regardless of their religious denominations or ideologies - who fulfil the formal requirements for admittance in Hessen and who are willing to join the school community in accordance with the values of our mission statement by participating in the creation of the positive togetherness on our campus.

Course information

  • Focus of Study :
    Schulzentrum Marienhoehe provides education at school level from primary school up to the University Entrance Diploma (Abitur). With our educational and pedagogical concept we want to support our students in experiencing positive and successful schooldays. Our small classes and study groups of no more than 24 students in which individual attention is possible play an essential part.

    Benefit, Goal of this course :
    Instruction in Secondary Level I provides our students not only with the knowledge on which Secondary Level II is based but enables them also to discover their talents, to strengthen their personality and to train their social skills.
    Secondary Level II builds on the educational work of Secondary level I/Realschule and has the objective to equip all our graduates with everything they need for university studies. It is subdivided into a one-year Introductory Phase and a Qualification Phase.
    - Introductory Phase (E1 and E2)
    During the first year our students coming from different types of school adapt to the standard of the Secondary Level II. They spend the whole year together as a class. At the end of the year stands the admission to the Qualification Phase. It is based on the performance in the Introductory Phase. Coaching conversations with all students are conducted by our tutors.
    - Qualification Phase (Q1 - Q4)
    Teaching during the qualification phase takes place in basic courses of two, three or four hours per week and advanced courses of five hours per week. Every student has to choose two advanced coures.
    We offer advanced courses in: German, English, Latin (as needed), French (as needed), Fine Arts, Politics and Economy, History, Geography, Religion, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Sports. One of the two advanced coures must be a foreign language or mathematicx or a natural science. All other terms of admission to the final exams (Abitur) can be discussed personally with the director of the Secondary Level.
    - Graduation
    The final exams follow the regulations of the Hessen state exams. All exams at Schulzentrum Marienhöhe are equivalent to the graduation results at state schools and state-approved.

    Curriculum :
    Focus on
    Languages, Literature, Arts
    Fine Arts
    Performing Arts

    Focus on
    Social Sciences
    Politics and Economics

    Focus on Mathematics,
    Natural Sciences, Technics
    Computer Science

    Classroom Hour :
    07:30 - 08:15 am - 1st period with worship time in class
    08:20 - 09:05 am - 2nd period
    09:10 - 09:55 am - 3rd period
    09:55 - 10:15 am - First recess
    10:15 - 11:00 am - 4th period
    11:05 - 11:50 am - 5th period
    11:50 - 12:05 pm - Secon recess
    12:05 - 12:50 pm - 6th period
    12:50 - 13:35 pm - 7th period
    13:35 - 14:30 pm - Lunch break
    13:40 - 14:25 pm - 8th period
    14:30 - 15:15 pm - 9th period
    15:15 - 16:00 pm - 10th period
    16:0 5 -16:50 pm - 11th period- Media library open till 17:00 pm
    16:50 - 17:35 pm - 12th period

Course information

Schedule 52 Weeks Minimum age 14
Accommodation On-Campus Dorm/residence, Off-campus Residence


  • N/A

Course Schedule

※ From the Course Starting Dates 52Weeks(month) Choose



School's Admin fee
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(EURO)€ 32,340
Week Week Week Week Week


Housing Placement
Accommodation fee
Terms Homestay On-Campus Dorm/residence Off-Campus residence

Airport Pickup

Airport Pickup
Other Charges

Remarks / Other Information

  • * Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.



    Annual Fees | Monthly Rates
    32.340 EUR | 2.695 EUR

Surrounding Area

  • Schulzentrum Marienhöhe is situated in the middle of pastures and forests on a hill between Darmstadt and Eberstadt. Surrounded by nature, our campus complements our daily school life with a relaxed and restorative atmosphere. The well-kept grounds are used in summer not only for recreation but also for studying space. Students and teachers at our school have an environment that is stress-reducing and health-promoting. We expect a careful dealing with nature and the facilities for value retention. Our buildings are maintained in a sustainable way.


    soccer field with artificial turf
    track and field facilities
    tennis court
    freeclimbing tower
    school garden
    traditional orchards with wild bees home and nesting boxes
    chestnut yard antique fountain
    pathfinder fireplace
    well-kept green areas

    3 school buildings
    2 student residence houses
    administration building with media library and cafeteria
    main building – historical monument
    2 gymnasiums
    church building
    4 workshops
    5 residential buildings


  • Besides daily school routine there are the highlights of boarding school life that give a certain structure to the school year. It begins with the meet and greet weekend where all new boarding school students spend a weekend away from the campus together with their deans and the youth pastor and a lot of activities: games, campfire, music, youth worship service, sports, excursions… A formal night in December provides an opportunity to dress up in festive clothes for a special evening including a banquet and entertainment. After Christmas, the boys’ dean with his student team leaves for Cambodia to work at the site of an orphanage in Siem Reap. In February, we welcome young guests for a week of spiritual emphasis. They are invited not only to get to know boarding school life but also to spend a week full of spiritual impulses together with our students. The first signals that the school year is coming to an end are the pranks of the graduates that turn boarding school life upside down for a while. The summer party finally marks the end of the school year.

Top Native Language by Center

  • The day students come from Darmstadt and surrounding areas, the boarding school students from the Rhein-Main region, from all over Germany and also from abroad (China, South Korea, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine).

Getting to the school from the airport

  • BY CAR
    Address for your navigation system:
    64297 Darmstadt
    Auf der Marienhöhe 32
    You can reach the Marienhöhe campus via the street „Am Steinern Kreuz“ as well as via „Cooperstraße“.

    • In front of the train station (main entrance) are tram and bus stops.
    • Monday through Friday between 5:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. tram no. 1 (towards Eberstadt) drives directly to the „Marienhöhe“ tram stop
    • Or take a bus D or F towards ”Stadtmitte” to the „Rhein-Neckar-Straße“ stop, go to the tram stop in „Rheinstraße“ across the streets and then take tram 7 or 8 towards Eberstadt till the tram stop „Marienhöhe“
    • Walk uphill along „Cooperstraße“ (longer walk) or take the footpath through the forest at the Marienhöhe tram stop (shorter walk). Cross “Heinrich-Delp-Straße“ and follow the footpath through the forest
    • More comfortable option: Take a taxi from the train station (side entrance)

    The first building on the right when you leave the forest is the Administration building of the school


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