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Gymnasium Schloss Wittgenstein

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Gymnasium Schloss Wittgenstein

Gymnasium Schloss Wittgenstein

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School Info

Basic information

  • Enrollment
  • 691students
  • Airport Pickup
  • Yes
  • Telephone
  • 02752/4743-322
  • Fax
  • Address
  • Schloß Wittgenstein 8, 57334 Bad Laasphe, Germany


  • Rural
  • On-Campus Dorm/residence
  • Off-campus Residence
  • Private language institute (at University)

Why This School?

  • - The Schloss Wittgenstein high school ( GSW for short ) is a high school in Bad Laasphe ( North Rhine-Westphalia ).
    - While it was initially designed purely as a boarding school, it has also been open to external students for more than 30 years.
    - Class numbers are deliberately kept small in order to make teaching as effective as possible.

About the  Gymnasium Schloss Wittgenstein

  • The high school was founded in October 1953 as a boys' boarding school . The living and teaching rooms were initially located exclusively in the castle . In 1956 a school building was built for the high school and the newly founded secondary school. The gymnasium, a teacher's residence and a sports field were built in 1961 and 1962. From 1966 at the latest, the classrooms for the Sixth and Quinta were located in the gymnasium building. Finally, due to the low occupancy of the boarding school, the boarding school was also opened to girls in 1974 and the school was also opened to students from surrounding towns. The boarding school moved from Wittgenstein Castle to the school building in 1996. In 1999 the “Red House” was rebuilt and equipped with computers. Computer science skills are now being taught to high school and secondary school students in two specialist rooms. Since 2000, classes have gradually been relocated to Wittgenstein Castle due to a lack of space. Now that the construction work has been completed, most of the upper grades are taught in the castle. A ceremony took place on March 27, 2009 to mark the 50th anniversary. For the 2023/2024 school year, the school is designated as a bundling high school.

Course information

  • Focus of Study :

    The students are raised to be independent personalities in the sense of a cosmopolitan view of humanity. Particular emphasis is placed on equipping students with skills that enable them to become responsible members of society and to find their place in family and professional life.

    Social responsibility

    We value treating each other with trust and respect. The joy of learning and curiosity should be encouraged. In addition to independent work, creativity as well as the ability to criticize and work in a team are important for personality development. Our students should shape their lives independently, with respect for the values, needs and boundaries of other people and with respect for nature.

    To know

    The aim is to impart knowledge and skills that form a solid basis for further school and professional training as well as for personal life in family and society. We consider awakening and promoting motivation to perform as a prerequisite for effective learning. We strive to impart methods and working techniques that enable lifelong learning.

    Benefit, Goal of this course :
    How does successful learning actually work? This requires more than good technical instruction. That’s why the subject “learning to learn” is on the timetable for students in grades 5 or 6 in their twelfth year. Jutta Koch has been the specialist for this important teaching subject right from the start. “It is a subject in which children gain knowledge in order to recognize, reflect on and, above all, structure their own learning behavior,” says the educator. Through topics from learning psychology, the children receive an age-appropriate basis for their school learning. In any case, “learning to learn” lays the foundation for success at school and for independent learning outside of school. On the basis of trust, learning itself should not be experienced randomly, but rather consciously, so that learning is time-effective and associated with success. It's about basic working techniques such as learning in order (packing your school bag, designing your home workspace, organizing your homework and keeping your notebooks). But important topics such as posture, concentration training, dealing fairly with others, active listening, rules of conversation and how to properly deal with exams, stress and uncertainty are also on the timetable. Jutta Koch also gives targeted lessons to high school students. This includes tips and strategies for successful self-organization, for analyzing your own strengths and especially for exam management. This is supplemented by the offer of individual learning advice in levels 10 and 11. In the canon of subjects, this special subject is seen as a central bridging subject in which basic working techniques and methods are introduced.

    Curriculum :
    Social sciences / economics-politics
    Computer Science

Course information

Schedule 52 Weeks Accommodation On-Campus Dorm/residence, Off-campus Residence


  • N/A

Course Schedule

※ From the Course Starting Dates 52Weeks(month) Choose



School's Admin fee
Week Week Week Week Week
Week Week Week Week Week


Housing Placement
Accommodation fee
Terms Homestay On-Campus Dorm/residence Off-Campus residence

Airport Pickup

Airport Pickup
Other Charges

Remarks / Other Information

  • * Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.



  • In addition to the classrooms, the Schloss Wittgenstein high school has specialist rooms. Among other things, there is a biology and chemistry hall, two physics halls, a lecture hall for chemistry and biology and two computer science rooms with PCs . Since 2006 there has been a natural science room (“NaWi”) for biology, chemistry and physics as well as a “self-learning center”.


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